Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lesson Learned

Today I've been very sore. I guess it could be from snowboarding yesterday, but now I know what to expect if I go again! Even though it was not a very good day I still managed to take my little man to get his hair cut and pick up my new meds. Work tomorrow should be interesting, I hope if I go to bed somewhat early it wont be so bad. There isnt really to much to write about today but I figured I should write something. I highly suggest if your reading this to go to the side of my blog and click on the spoon theory its a very good way to explain how I feel every day! Love you all!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have been doing some reasearch on Lupus and have seen some awareness pictures, most have to do with a wolf or butterfly as there symbol. I became very curious on why they chose a wolf and a butterfly so I looked it up!

Lupus is the Latin word for wolf! The disease was named because of a wolf-bite shaped rash (the butterfly rash) that appears across the nose and cheeks of many lupus patients.

Now you may be wondering what is Lupus, So I will expain it as best as I can!
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, heart, lungs, blood, kidneys and brain. Normally the body's immune system makes proteins called antibodies, to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder like lupus, the immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign substances and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against itself. These antibodies -- called "auto-antibodies" (auto means 'self') cause inflammation, pain and damage in various parts of the body.For most people, lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs. For others, it may cause serious and even life-threatening problems. Although epidemiological data on lupus is limited, studies suggest that more than 16,000 Americans develop lupus each year.

Intense sun exposure can trigger lupus flares. Sensitivity to the sun occurs in about one of every three lupus patients.

January 30th, My First Blog!

Ok, so my first few blogs might be kinda strange cuz I have never done this before! But here is my story!

At the beginning of October I started to notice my joints would become very sore after walking or any activity, at first I thought nothing of it and thought maybe it would go away. After 2 months of the pain getting worse I decided to see my family Doctor. I was told it was most likely a virus and it would go away in another month or so. Well a month went by and pains were still becomeing more frequent and painful so I went back again, This time some minor blood work was done and all came back normal, but pain was still progressing. At this point it has started to affect my job, I would have to stop everything I was doing and sit for at least a half hour. At my work if your caught sitting your in big trouble, I eventually had to tell my boss what has been happening to me and that is something I did not want to do. By this point I was frusterated and stressed and wanted some answers, I brought my mom to the doctors with me and we asked to be refered to a specialist. The wait was suposed to be 3-6 months. A few weeks after the referal was sent off the pains got unbarable and nothing would bring them down, I was at work when this all happened, Stabbing and burning pains in every joint, biggest headache ever, very heavy chest and hard to breath, light headed and blured vision. Was probably one of the scariest things that has ever happend to me. My mom came and picked me up and we went in to the U of A hospital. They changed my meds and gave me a shot of Toridol, wich took away only the head ache. My appointment for the Reumatoligist was bumped ahead drastically, was seen the next week! She sent me for some tests, and gave me the results to the previest blood tests I did a month before, wich had possitive Lupus antibodies! Ya thank you medi clinic for calling to tell me I could have Lupus! So my new doctor sent me for some better tests to help diagnose what ever it is that is causing this grief! Ive gotten to the point were I know its something, and im more than likely going to have it for the rest of my life, I would like to be diagnosed so I can move on and start my new life and make the best of it! I plan on staying healthy, making a better diet plan and staying active, but first I need to be stress free! This coming Firday I have a bone scan, so I hope that goes well.

Im kind of nervous, scared, worried. Lots of tears at night. Bad dreams, sore days. Some days I even just want to be left alone, or just spend it with my son Aron. Im still new to this and dont know what to do or how to handle it. I do know that I am so very thankfull of my family and firends! Especially my mom and dad, the past few years would have been so hard with out them! My sisters teach me everyday that they`re watching and learning from me. My son, well he is the light of my life and I think I would go crazy without him by my side! Even on the worst and painful day he can still make me smile! Im not sure how but its almost like he can tell mommy does not feel good today because on those days all he will want to do is cuddle and not rugh house or play. I dont have a clue what I would do without any of them! I know that the rest of my family has me in there thoughts and prayers as well and Im so thankfull for them as well! I guess Family is all you need to be truely happy, no matter how sick or healthy you are!